With all this arguing about herd immunity and lockdowns, let's see what the data say about Sweden
With all the arguing about "herd immunity" vs. lockdowns, and with Europe surging and lockdowns starting again in France and Germany, I...
Please follow my twitter account @jsm2334 for more recent commentaries and threads on COVID-19 topics
Finding the signal in the noise of Covid-19
Reporting and balanced evaluation of research results, data sets, applications and models, and commentaries related to Covid-19 and its underlying virus, SARS-Cov-2
With all the arguing about "herd immunity" vs. lockdowns, and with Europe surging and lockdowns starting again in France and Germany, I...
The WHO has published a medRxiv report of an interim analysis of their SOLIDARITY study, a large international randomized study comparing...
A paper was just published yesterday in Science presenting results from a contact tracing study in two states in southern India that...
Prevent Epidemics has a Weekly Science Review that provides brief summary and discussion of major peer-reviewed scientific articles on...
Nature just published an informative review article discussing mutations and mutation rate in SARS-CoV-2, with special discussion of a...
This week the FDA gave emergency approval for the use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19, making the strategy broadly available to...
Several times I have mentioned the PolicyLab COVID-19 modeling efforts in which I have been privileged to be a part, and that I believe...
This post is following up on my previous post on how difficult the school opening decision is. A lot of people have been mentioning to...
Let's look at an update of what we are seeing in surging states using our updated COVID-TRACKING app. Here I plot 7-day moving average...
We have updated our covid tracking plotting app to allow daily/smoothed/per capita plots. Here is the 7-day moving average for new...
The PolicyLab group has put out a new blog post discussing projections for July in the 519 counties included in the model. I encourage...
The past few weeks have seen an alarming surge of incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in Arizona, Texas, Florida, and South Carolina, with upticks...
As states have reopened, the media has watched carefully for evidence of a "surge". Some naive analyses look only at cases/day, which...
The Lancet just published a paper presenting a meta-analysis to quantify the mitigative effect of mask wearing and social distancing in...
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly every state in the United States instituted lockdowns of some sort -- most with stay-at-home...
A paper was just published in Cell, a top biological journal, presenting results from a study that has identified a targeted antibody...
A newly published paper in Lancet Rheumatology presents results from a study assessing the effect of Anakinra, a recombinant IL-1...
This covid pandemic has brought the whole world to its knees, and stimulated an unprecedented level of focus and urgency to quickly...
STAT has an article discussing some emerging details of unique ways that the SARS-CoV-2 virus interacts with the immune system and...
An article just published in Acta Paediatric presents results from a literature review to assess whether it is likely that children are...